
Responses from ocbu9094

CD player to match Arcam A65+ Integrated
Thanks for these thoughts. I have heard a couple different Arcam cdps over the years and always liked them but they were paired with tube amps. Never thought to incorporate a tube buffer. Not for this setup, but it got me thinking about my other s... 
Words From the Wise
A list for the teachers (me), social workers, those with children, or others who cannot spend thousands of dollars over and over again. . .1. Buy for the long-term unless the thrill of this hobby for you is keeping up with the technology, the nove... 
New Swifts vs. used Kestrel Hot Rods
A few posts ago I was in the process of deciding and, having decided, here's my input. I ended up getting the Kestrel Hot Rods over the Swifts and I am quite happy with them so far. To me they just sound more "complete." Certainly enough bass for ... 
CD Player to match Classe amp and Kestrels
Oops, I just noticed that I typoed in NAD 521, when it should have read NAD 512. Thanks for the thoughts so far. 
New Swifts vs. used Kestrel Hot Rods
Funny, I find myself in the exact same position trying to decide between these two Meadowlarks. listen@energytrip: your comment about the Swift needing to "fit the music collection" intrigued me. Could you elaborate a little? I listen to a lot of ...