
Responses from omegaman

Tube amps for Eggleston Andra II
1markr, have you tried other tube amps before settling on the Dodds? Other than a few remarks on here, I have never heard of them. Dev, thanks for your in depth thread, I too am astounded by the Andras. A friend of mine - another audiophool, has r... 
Tube amps for Eggleston Andra II
Thanks FJN04 & Myraj. FJN04, thanks for the many suggestions that I may not have thought of.I've actually been contemplating the Lamm ML1 but concerned about being underpowered. I contacted Vladimir/Lamm & he says the ML1 would work but th... 
any opinions about the bat vk d5 cd player ?
Mrtennis, you are exactly right about the VK D5. I have used it as a long time player in my second system because it couldn't cut it in the main one & I'm too lazy to sell it. I've never been that impressed with many BAT products actually. 
I want to talk to Wyetech Topaz's owners
Hi. I replaced my Classe Omega amp last year with Topaz monos & have not looked back. They easily powered my SF Amatis & are fantastic with my Acapella LaCampanellas. I think so much of them that I just dumped my ARC Ref II Mk II to buy ei... 
H2O 250 vs Mono's vs Spectron Musician III HELP
Try the Wyetech Topaz monos - I just bought a pair & they drive my Sonus Faber Amatis with ease. They replaced the Classe Omega & seem to have as much power with much more detail. The Omega sounds like a tin can next to them! 
Interconnects for Nordost Valkyrja speaker cables
Thanks Teajay. Have you heard the AZ interconnects in conjunction witth Valhallas or Valkyrjas? I have heard a lot of great things about AZ cables too. 
Totem Mani-2 and Sim Audio Moon
I had the Mani-2 with the W5 years ago & was very happy with it, especially with rock recordings. The Mani-2s need a good ss amp to be happy. I tried with a VK-60 & the sound was anemic to say the least.