

Responses from patricksweeney

Would love opinions on my HT puzzle
Thanks all, for your great input! This has been quite the learning experience... Just when I thought I had a piece figured out, I ended up going back to start! The good news is that I haven't made any "major", in my opinion, mistakes yet... Althou... 
Would love opinions on my HT puzzle
Good advice, thank you! My room size is 19x14. Ceilings are 8.9. My objective is not only to get great HT, but to get even better sounding music then I already have. I don't have any problem getting rid of the Aragon and Thiels. I am looking to ma... 
Would love opinions on my HT puzzle
I agree, thanks guys... I've auditioned the Dynaudio 3.3s but not the 10Ts... I will try and do so soon, but until then, any thoughts between the two? Both are in the same price category.Pat 
Revel B-15 or REL Stadium III
Hi Jon,I'm going through the same evaluation with these two subs. However, I've not auditioned them yet. Sorry that I'm no help right now but, I'll be anxiously following this thread! Maybe this post might spark some more responses... Good luck.Pa...