
Responses from pawlowski6132

Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Where's the Amazing Randy when you need him? 
Good monitor speakers for 300B amps.
Curious to why monitors only? 
Anyone else a big fan of Norman Grantz' Pablo Label form the 70's/80's
tytone, while they were in the second 1/2 of their career, I don't think the music in any way was second rate.  
I’ve had many systems and cables and differences to me are not really noticeable. Also, results are not better or worst, just different, be at best. 
Best sounding Beatles Vinyl from tape
Thanks for the great references and feedback. Particularly interesting to hear about the tapes. I never would have went there.One more follow-up question I do have a handful of older Beatles records but was wondering if there was a source or some ... 
Auditioning Magnepan MMGi's and 1.7i's (and possibly the 3.7i's) on Monday
Very funny!! roberjerman 
Auditioning Magnepan MMGi's and 1.7i's (and possibly the 3.7i's) on Monday
It's a good thing to OP knows everything. Geez. 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
Btw, i looked at the tube cube 7; 3.5 watts. I think you could have done better with low power with an amp from Cary, VAC, audio note or wavac.;^) 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
Hey, i can totally relate to the OP. I had to cash out of my system 10 years ago and just now have been able to afford to get back in the hobby. Obviously i kept my account open here but while away  just stayed out of here because this was a diffe... 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
@simao first of all, this hobby is not dying out. Not sure why you would even say that.Second, Will62 was treated fairly. He was treated equally just like everyone else that posts here. When anyone asks a question like his, the forum members will ... 
Not an ad but...
Well, the roller will pick up a particle but, there's not a dragging motion. You actually have that risk with a brush more than this roller. 
Notable very small loudspeaker companies (other than Tekton!)
Just bought a pair or KEF LS50, they are very small speakers. ;^) 
Not an ad but...
No, good point. It is not a record cleaner. I wash all my records (by hand) but use this just prior to playing to remove superficial dust, dander, etc. 
Inexpensive Tube Amps
Will62. You came to a forum where people without blinking will spend $10,000 on an amp. Then you want their opinion on a $300 piece of junk amp from China? Seriously, what did you really expect?And you are completely wrong on why it cost so little... 
Keeping Spend Among System Proportional?
Thanx for taking time to respond. But, practically speaking, does it really make sense to buy a $2,000 power cord for my system???Probably not but, it might be worth it in a $100,000 system. I think????