
Responses from pechichi

What is Musicality?
To me musicality means that I get transported by the music to another place, I can forget where I am or what I was doing and just engulf myself in the beautiful sound that fills my ears and give me goosebumps on certain passages. I have been build... 
Cartridge Suggestions for a Black Widow Tonearm
Thanks to all of you for your imputs, you all prove that this is a great community of people that are willing to share and help others!!! I especially would like to thank Nsgarch for directing me to that cartridges website, that is really a helpfu... 
Deciding on a phono preamp
All who provided input - follow up.Its been a while since I was able to do anything with my TT, lots of personal events have eaten up my time. In the last month or so I was able to get the TT up and running (although with a few bumps along the way... 
Deciding on a phono preamp
Ibog- I had looked at the DV too and that is a really good contender, but there is just something about the tube thing that I can't seem to get over right now. Curoisity will most likey kill this cat.I actually picked up the Grado Green just to ha... 
Deciding on a phono preamp
Thanks for your responses.Schipo - thanks for your response but I don't think that I want to get into another complete solid state preamp, the Anthem is sufficient at this time, if I did want to go this route I would likely go with a tube one.Wwsh...