
Responses from philb7777

Understanding Gain in the ARC Ref Phono 2 SE
Thanks for the responses and info.The noise floor in the high gain setting on the ARC is just slightly more noticeable than the low gain setting. This is not audible at the listening position, just next to the speaker. What you are saying makes se... 
Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
Yeah Wolf, I haven't heard it either. And at $8500 its out of my price range. But when Mike says its the best sounding cart he's had in his system (and I believe my memory serves he's had some stellar ones) then the Anna must be something. And for... 
Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
Mike I think people have just taken notice of an 'outlier' from the norm review of an expensive piece of gear ($8K cart) that was defective multiple times. It naturally raises concern about quality control of this specific model - not Ortofon in g... 
Audio Research Corp Ref 5 SE
What does everyone notice as the 'break in' process completes somewhere between 300-600 hours with ARC procducts?I recently purchased both ARC Ref 250 monos and an ARC Ref Phono 2SE to replace a Rowland 302 and Rowland Cadence phono. Still using t... 
Raidho C1.1
REL G1 or G2 is more like it. 
Transfiguration Proteus
Ebm, that's great to hear. I've currently got a Dynavector XV-1s on a TW 10.5 arm. Don't you have a TW 10.5 arm too? Is the Proteus a good match on that arm? Seriously contemplating adding another arm and cart to mt AC-1. Don't have many mono reco... 
Brinkmann vs TW Acustic
I think both Raul and Dev are right too in their assessments. And I agree no product is perfect and if there was one and we could afford it, everyone would own it. Onee thing that strikes me from Dev's post is the noisy bearing in some TW models w... 
Brinkmann vs TW Acustic
I think it's all just based on how things are said. One poster starts a thread or response about the incompetence of the design or designer, and that transfers directly to the incompetence of the owner/listener of that product.Bottom line is this ... 
Brinkmann vs TW Acustic
The TW Ac-1 in my system either with solid state (Rowland) or tubes (ARC) gives me meaty, beefy images with good air and soundstaging. The images are so solid, it gives me the illusion of reality. Super quiet noisefloor. Bass is full and impactful... 
Mythologies on MoFi - Something wrong? ?
Ditto for my Mythologies. Dull, compressed and low level. 
To ring or not to ring?
Very easy to do. A little cumbersome, but still the technique is simple and trouble free. 
To ring or not to ring?
When I had my Aries 3 turntable, placing a peripheral ring on it was a huge improvement. My LP's were not warped either. Improvements in a lower noise floor were not subtle. More dynamics and detail were noted as well as increased air. From all th... 
Question for TW Acustic Owners
Thanks for all the answers and responses everyone. Td, it sounds like out listening schedules are about the same. I have the newer squeeze bottle oil/lube.Any indication to lubricate the motor like I did with the VPI motors? 
VPI Classic 3 IDLE drive
Stefanoo, it's the standard pulley that VPI makes for use without the SDS. The small top is used for 33 RPM and the larger circumference is where you place the belt for 45 RPM. It's definitely not touching the platter and its nothing new. VPI has ... 
VPI Classic 3 IDLE drive
It's just the double speed pulley for use without and SDS if you don't have one. I bet its not touching the platter. Probably coming very close but not touching it, hence the belt.