
Responses from porziob

Unused channels on a multi channel amp
You can use 1 to 5 channels. It`s not neccessary to cap the unused inputs. 
Empire 999 TE/X Cartridge
Treat yourself to a new crtg. The Empire`s an antique. I doubt you`ll find a replacement stylus. 
$100 Challenge: Build this system
Rather than waste $100, marriage seems to be her answer. 
Looking to change from Thiel 7's
Cerwin~Vega will make your ears or the amp cry uncle. What beating? 
Any advantage to using monobloc amps
No crosstalk, highest power available (1000+W),larger pwr. supply. Macho, too. 
Why do some CDP's play louder?
Did it ever occur to you to check both players output impedences? 
The New Dynakit
Merging Dynakit & Dynaco still wouldn`t create a viable co. with staying power. 
Vacuum Tube Valley Magazine VTV Show Report
One would think their priority would be publishing. I guess publish or perish pales next to holding shows in the boonies. 
Do Bridged Accuphase Amps Sound Better?
You can`t bridge 99% of amps & drive 4ohm loads. Even with the Big A, there`s no free lunch. 
do blind tests have any practical significance
Another troll. 
HiDef DVD vs. High End Legacy
Why pay thru the nose for the name & be denied hi def? 
General consensus on buying used eq.
Try to only buy in your area so you can demo & avoid defective units. This also negates shipping damage which is more prevalent than one would think. 
Amp power to drive 4 ohm speakers?
The Cambridge will work fine with the Polks. Read the Stereophile review. 
Tube amp coffee table book
Why not call the dealer? It`s probably not on a "need to know basis." 
Class T vs. Class D Digital Amps
Are you studying for a degree in alphabet soup?