
Responses from porziob

Marantz SA8260
Only in Class A for SACD. Also, this unit has been plagued by "read" problems. 
Parasound JC-1 Heat Dissipation
Get a life or a different amp. You should know what to expect with a class A amp. You`re a tiresome whiner. If rain water was wine, you`d still find reason to whine. 
CD player not reading
Who made the Cd player? Is this a secret? Unless you furnish info, help is difficult to give. 
Any thoughts on Music Reference RM200
If the RM200 worked into a deead short, you`d be under powered. 
Bologna OR Baloney How does this work? Please fee
I wouldn`t rush into elevators. Levitation Audio will preview their Reference spkr. cable @ RMAF. As soon as connected to the amp & spkrs., the cable automatically levitates 3" above the floor. It`s also very pet & child safe. 
This is why you have a warranty. 
Matching amp and preamp imput output impedance?
Stop agonizing over 10:1 ratios & other misinformation. Try it & you`ll probably be pleasantly surprised. 
Chinese Loudspeakers ARE GOOD
You can thank the late, great Chairman Mao for Musicality. It was his middle name. 
Humidity question - please try to answer...
Papertrail, have you considered a fountain, or are you constrained by room dimensions? 
Seeking hot running amps
Surprised you`re not going with tubes. It`ll give warmth & the glow of embers. 
Springs for homemade isolation stand
Koni racing shocks are the answer. 
Isolation Theory Question
The Myrtle Blocks are better. They`re inhabited by termites whose constant attempts to escape provide superior vibration control. 
High Efficiency System- Noise Floor Reality Check?
Having very efficient spkrs. & tube amps, you`re stuck with the residual noise in the electronics. I forget the name of the tune, but a line applies to your system, "nothing can be done." 
Arcam CD-92 -- good value used?
You already own it. Why not solicit opinions after you sell it or after it dies? 
j.c.verdier 220 control amplifier
Cary will open for business Mon. Will JC Verdier? What if the amp needs service? Ready to ship it 1/2 way around the world & wait months for a repair. The 220V can be solved with a step down xformer. That`s the least of your potential problems.