
Responses from porziob

Warm up time after unit is turned off
15 to 20 min. should suffice under ALL conditions. YMMV. 
Bowling alley lane wood for component tables?
Used to frequent a bar restaurant that had bowling alley flrs. 35yrs. ago. Those flrs. are still holding up well to this day. The place was in biz 10yrs. before I darkened the door step. 
Removing the lid of your amp/preamp
Removing the cage doesn`t automatically bestow sonic benefits. I`ll grant it MAY facilitate ventilation in pwr. amps which tend to generate max heat. The downside is that it can make gear susceptible to the dreaded RFI & EMI. Tube gear is gene... 
All your other issues aside, how can you consider a tube amp if heat is a concern? You can`t change the laws of physics. 
Speaker Cables for a 35' Run???
Any 12 or 20 ga. cable will do nicely. Try Home Depot or Lowes. 
Different Anitskate for Rock vs. Classical
To call your approach to setting anti skating a hair brained scheme is an understatement. 
Comparing some mid-line interconnects - thoughts?
Try Blue Jeans cables. Nothing is more accurate. Try the Belden 1505F. The price is right. 
Levinson turn-on thump... normal??
Sounds defective. Levinson doesn`t design in thumps. They`re frowned on in this price range. 
homemade cables and blown tweeters
Your IC recipe spells disaster-12 ga. is entirely unsuitable. 
Low watt tube amps/pros/cons
These 300B & 845 SETs act as tone controls, & most are deficient in the bass & topend. 
CD player gone crap
I`d suggest moving on as 15 yrs. is at least one digital lifetime. 
Isoclean fuses: definitely worth it
Pretty soon Isoclean fuses will be sold in delis & bodegas. A salami on rye & an Isoclean coming right up. 
Opinion on McIntosh MCD 201 SACD player
One would think that Mac would have dealt with all the problems in the MCD201. Perhaps a recall to install autoformers would fix the problem. The buyers agita could be understood in a $50 Tosh, not an expensive unit using buyers as beta testers. 
Can the sound of SS amp deteriorate over time??
Short of bench testing an amp to determine if it meets spec, there is no way to tell for sure. Many, who consider measurements verboten, foolishly waste time & $ with ZERO improvement. 
Can the sound of SS amp deteriorate over time??
Assuming proper ventilation & not being maxed out power wise 24/7, no reason you couldn`t get 30 yrs. or more.