
Responses from ptmconsulting

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
The Jupiters seem to break in pretty quickly compared to other premium caps I have tried. You should hear 90-95% of their capability after 50-60 hours. 100 hours and they are pretty much "cooked" properly. 
Taking the Lampizator Big 6 to the Next Level
There is a Big 7 available now. 
Room Treatment Surprise
Most everyone who has tried room acoustic treatments has experienced it. They are essential, if you have a room where they can be hung properly. 
Where to improve phono chain?
I agree, we need to know some things first.- what seems to be lacking?- what are you looking to improve?- what kind of budget?IMO, the phono preamp is usually the weakest link in a turntable setup. That needs to be up to the task of handling all t... 
What Exactly Does "Burn In" do for Electronics?
"All I can think is ... if you can't hear it then maybe your system isn't as resolving as you think"Maybe you're right but maybe your wrong and it's all in your head and you just happen to be a person that's easily duped? Could be, that's all I'm ... 
Your favorite album cover...
What Exactly Does "Burn In" do for Electronics?
To those who don't believe in, or who haven't heard a difference, with burn in:- please sell me that brand new bad sounding $2500 phono cartridge with only 10 hours on it for 40% of what you paid for itI can't even count the number of cables or el... 
audiphile power cords
It always amazed me when I hear a pseudo-engineer say "cords can't make a difference if they are adequately sized". No engineer would argue that the following things can indeed make a difference, and are measurable:- different gauges- different di... 
True Sound Works Apogee Diva Ultimate - Any Good?
I own Duetta Sig's with a rebuilt crossover (and no buzz). I drive them with a McCormack DNA500 amp but there are tubes upstream. Yes, these speakers are magical. In fact, I just came back from a weekend listening to various Magico speakers driven... 
Power Chords better than TWL at the price?
The 30 day trial period is a big plus with TWL, because you just never know what will and what won't work with any given component. Too may instances where someone's dream cable for their amp doesn't sound good in another location, or in another s... 
Subwoofer's Front Firing vs. Down Firing
I have a sealed downfiring REL, but I turn it upside down and use it upfiring. I find this to produce a more accurate, and quicker sound in my room. It's not in a corner either, but between the speakers. I do place a board on the upturned feet wit... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I also picked up a few Jupiters and burned them in for about 50 hours before installing. I used a .1uF in my speaker crossover as a bypass to the in series caps, a 1.0uF in my phono stage as the coupling cap, and a .01uF as a bypass to a V-Cap OIM... 
Pat Metheny Unity Group: Kin -- WTF?
I wasn't loving this either when I first got it, but it has grown on my with repeated listening. However I think the "innovation" that Metheny always surprised me with in his songs seems to be missing. Methinks he is tryin gto find a new sound by ... 
Dynamatted Plinth
I used some EAR Isodamp on my plinth, and it did improve it, but only to a point. Too much and things started sounding overdamped and dead. It was a balancing act to get it just right, where the life is still in the music, but the background remai... 
Apogee Acoustics Scintilla - fair market value?
You can check out the Apogee forum here for lots of info from knowledgeable people: line, do they have any bass buzz? That can dramatically change their worth.