
Responses from raw7145

Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
....OH yeah I paired the HPM 100's with a great team.  Energy 100'sfor today's digital music.  And a strong favorite...the Klipsch SW10Sub Woofer. 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I purchased my speakers brand new in 1980.  They are still functioning at their peak to this very day.  It is a very rounded speaker. I guess its most outstanding feature is the fact that it sounds the same regardless of the volume.  Clean, noted ... 
Who R U?
High there...oh oh sorry.Hi there. I am a retired NYC C.O. of 21 years.I Served in the USAF in Germany. It was here that I was introduced to high end audio. I owned every piece in the Pioneer Spec series. (The auto-reverse on the 909 was a primo f... 
Need suggestions for a USB and digital cable.
Check out Siver Labs for both options. 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
Since I have my original pair from 1980, still playing everyday...My choice would be the "Pioneer HPM 100!" Taking on all genres at all volume levels. Just can't part with the heart!! 
Whats my weak link?
I am no grand audiophile. However I do like the sound of MY system that I created in MY surroundings. You get what you pay for... more or less. It is the less however that will keep your concern. Back to the situation at hand.Not to say anything i... 
Computer/DAC combo sugestions
Okay get ready...I-Tunes via PC and my DAC WOW. I say WOW!( DAC WOW (Canadian product) sound slightly better with the new Foobar Beta version, Not worth the album art of I-tunes though...MHO) 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
BTW...my Pioneer Spec1/4 comes a very, very close second!Bless the 70's !!!!!! 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Absolutely!!! Extremely happy with my SHERWOOD S 6040 CP!No one can part me from this thing. I have 2 and block them. Dual MosFet 100 WPC and handles my 2 sets of speakers with little effort. (HPM-100's / Energy C100's)As tubelike a sound as there... 
Wanted Preamp
Wait til you here the comments on this one....Nad / Parasound / Rotel(which I like),...these are some of the pre-amps I have experienced... NONE..can touch the spacial musicality of my vintage...Marantz 600 AV Pre-Processor. A 5.1 / 2 channel gold...