
Responses from recroom

Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.
I am seriously considering either the Lyngdorf 2170 or the newer 3400.  My main issue is whether the 2170 could properly drive my speakers (Dynaudio Focus 340, 87 dB sensitivity, 4 ohms impedance). I don't think there would be an issue with the 34... 
Belles Virtuoso or PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP
I’m not sure why, I HAVE TO HEAR THE BELLES..... jtweed:As a music-loving audiophile and fellow Canadian, I understand your position and the choice (solid state vs. tubes) you are trying to make.  I have also been reading whatever I can on the upc... 
Need recommendation for a CD player Thank yo... 
Need recommendation for a CD player
I'm in the same boat as the OP, in that I'm also looking to add a CD player to my system.  It currently uses an Oppo 105D as the source for both music CDs and Blu-ray discs.  Can anyone recommend a CD player -- SACD not required as the Oppo can ha... 
Top monitors 3K - 6K range
Many thanks to Michaelkingdom for taking the time to provide such a well thought out analysis. I'm sure your post will be very helpful to those looking for a good monitor. 
Input requested on 3 options for listening room
Thanks, Alan (and Hank).I used to have Maggie 1.6s but I sold them even though I loved their transparency and huge soundstage. The reason: I felt they were too much for my low (7'6") ceiling. Obviously, the 3.7s would be even more imposing, althou... 
Folkies, do you know Lori McKenna?
I believe there is some confusion here between Lori McNenna and Loreena McKennitt, two quite different artists. 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
To Glory:No need for snide comments. I am perfectly willing to drive down to the US of A to pick up a pair of speakers.Thanks to all others who have made an effort to be more helpful. 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
I'm somewhat amazed at myself for continuing to follow this thread, since I have received exactly ZERO response to my email asking Evolution Acoustics for information on dealers, availability and pricing. I realize the owners of EA are busy gettin... 
Rory Gallagher Original Album Classics
Loomis:Bit of a correction on your Gallagher "wouldn't be allowed to sing" comment. The Stones auditioned several players after Mick Taylor left, Rory Gallagher among them. Once Gallagher had done a bit of jamming with them, they put him up in a h... 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
Rlawry et al.,I've asked on this board, and even emailed Evolution Acoustics, but got no response from either source: what size room is best for the MMMicroOne speakers? Mine is 20 x 30 x 8 ft. Should I consider these speakers as candidates for su... 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
Dinder1,Do you know what size room these speakers are optimized for? And what are they replacing in your system?Thanks! 
Best rock song of all times
Beatles : Revolution (fast single version), mentioned above 
If you could bring back one great artist that has
John Lennon, because the (music) world needs him as much now as ever before. 
The Stones, retire or re-invent themselves?
Retire! At once! It's been said many times before: the Stones haven't put out anything really worthwhile since Some Girls, about a quarter of a century ago.