
Responses from rhanson739

Preamp Help
FWIW, I tried a ref 5e in front of my Maggie 3.7s. It didn't work out well at all. I'm so glad that I tried before buying. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Since I'm auditioning amps right now, I put Pikes back in because I was more familiar with the sound. That lasted about 10 seconds. Yale is back up, now.Over the past couple of weeks, every time I put Yale beta in, I went back to Pikes. It just wa... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
... And it was good. Much better than the Yale beta. 
Amp recommendation for Magnepan 3.7's?
I should add that I probably learned more from Roger Sanders in a few emails than I have from a week of poring over posts and reviews. He has a wealth of knowledge at his fingertips, which aren't afraid of typing at all. He was quite helpful in so... 
Amp recommendation for Magnepan 3.7's?
Bill_k --In looking at the specs for the Magtech, it would seem that they have tons of power for the Maggies. Indeed, that's what they were designed for, hence "Mag"tech.Roger was quite adamant that there wouldn't be any break-in time on the amp, ... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
From the sounds of it, Yale Final should be quite good. Downloading now for a listen later. 
Amp recommendation for Magnepan 3.7's?
~Dsper --Feel free to PM me for more information. I've been auditioning new amps in my home, and have some interesting results. I had another thread on this, but haven't updated it lately. I've got Magnepan 3.7 and 2x Vandersteen 2wq subs.Started ... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
I don't often post such things, but 'dis guy... 'dis guy caused me to write today. I've also posted much the same on Computer Audiophile.Disclaimer: I own and enjoy a PS Audio Directstream (Pike's), and have for some time.I don't know if anyone ha... 
PS Audio BHK Signature
You could check out the PS Audio forums, where there are threads populated by the BHK beta testers. 
Occasional no audio on 2-channel system
What's your system?First guess: If you sometimes have no sound at all, it likely isn't the monoblocks. What are the odds of both amps failing at the same time?These intermittent problems are hard to debug. You'll likely have to switch a lot of thi... 
What App are you using for your USB DAC?
"Remote"I'd love to know if there are other options that would better its functionality. 
~Update: Based on various recommendations in this thread, I've been demoing a pair of Merrill VERITAS mono blocks for about a week. They sound quite good, and are definitely a contender for my new amp.Later today, I'll be receiving a Sanders Audio... 
@Infection --Actually, I was on the list to receive one of the first run of the PS Audio BHK. Sadly, I had to back off because of a temporary financial issue, but in retrospect, I'm glad that I did. Considering the troubles I've had with the curre... 
Mr. D:Sure, I could have, but I didn't. Get over it, or "move on", because it's no big deal in the overall scheme of things. Your complaint seems to continually stray from the point of the thread.(I also don't know why my post from 7/10 was duplic... 
Mr D,I did not mention the manufacturer because I did not want to disparage them. While they make a good product that many enjoy, I have not had the luck of the draw in terms of reliability.Nor have some others. I am curious about, and under infor...