

Responses from robertjason75

Impedence Matching Help Needed
So, I’ve been searching far-and-wide for a $300-$400 active preamp that will do the trick. So far I’ve been looking at integrated’s with preamp outputs because they are affordable (ie.. onkyo preamp only $1200, onkyo intergrated with preamp output... 
Impedence Matching Help Needed
Thank you for the great answers, especially Al for the phono cartridge info. My phono carts (pickering xv-15, shure m91ed, and AT95e...@ 5.5, 5.0, and 3.5mV respectively). So, they probably wouldn't drive the amp well enough after passing through ... 
Never-ending Speaker Journey ($1,000 budget)
Just an Energy S10.3 (aka, Mirage Omni S10) 200W RMS. Nothing great, but not bad. I hope to get a Rythmik or SVS someday soon. It's off to the side of the couch as there is no room up front. 
What does moving from a 150 watt amp to a 400 watt amp get you?
Thanks for the peace of mind. Yes, they are P3ESR's. I'm glad to know the amp is enough.. watts really are a funny measurement. 
What does moving from a 150 watt amp to a 400 watt amp get you?
I'm hoping you can help me understand this 105db idea better. My speakers, harbeth, are 83.5db sensetivity. If I subtract 10db, add back 3db were at 76.5db. To get to 105db I'd need 30db's provided by the amp (A 1000 watt amp!). I'm a budget audio... 
In need of some Amplifier advice. Is therereally any point in it with my current setup?
I’ve been where you are. I had a denon 60WPC old 5.1 receiver. One day I splurged $900 on an open box dynaudio center channel and pair of dynaudio audience 50 bookshelfs. I was smitten--THIS is amazing sound, cannot get any better. My all-in stere...