
Responses from robertrs

Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
ClioThe B4 is a First Watt product, it is a stereo active crossover with adjustable frequencies, slopes, and level, uses Jfets with no feedback. 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
George,Thanks for your assessment, I am not interested in the amp, just trying to apply some of the knowledge that is being dispensed here.I am not totally clear George, you said "the way it is made", is the issue the transformers, basic circuit, ... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
Roger,Thank you and the other SME's (Subject Matter Experts) for this wonderful thread, although much of it is over my head it is still a great read.Stereophile just reviewed online yesterday the Cary Audio SLI-100 integrated, I only read JA's mea... 
DIY - Two kits using similar tweeter to Tekton
Erik,Do you have ears on experience with either of these kits? I remember you have suggested them before in another thread.I am guessing you have heard the LS50 can you compare the two? I have no way to audition the Satori as most folks don't. 
DIY - Two kits using similar tweeter to Tekton
Eric,I have read a number of your post here and appreciate your opinion.The kits you have suggested are in the price range of KEF LS50"s which I own and think sound wonderful (I am using a sub woofer with them). Does the stand mount version compar... 
All Quiet on the Oppo front?
I added my name to the list some months ago and after reading this post wondered why I had not been contacted. I got a reply this weekend telling me I was on the list but there were 1,500 orders in front of me, this may go on for months and months.