
Responses from rolandbutcher

Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Steve Guttenberg just posted his review of the Enzo: 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
The Zu Omen Def is over three times as expensive as the Tekton Lore. Wouldn't it make more sense to compare the Tekton Lore vs. Zu Omen Standard, and the Tekton Pendragon vs. Zu Omen Def? That way you are comparing speakers at approximately the sa... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Just saw that Steve Lefkowicz has a review of the Tekton Lores on Positive Feedback Online. 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Gpowered:I believe you sold your Pendragons, correct? Do have your Lores anymore? I am interested to hear your thoughts on how the Pendragon compares to the Lores. Thanks. 
Zu Soul Superfly
I believe you mean this:So what amps did we use in the development of Soul, amps that gave us a good idea of matchups, amps we had kickin' around:Audion Black Night 845Allnic A-6000 (with 16 Ohm option)Allnic T-1500Bryston LP2Denon PMA2000R Mk4Dyn...