
Responses from rrog

Bass leaves after amp warms up?
What was the most recent change to your system? 
Dunlavy SC IV or Merlin VSM M
Bobby, Have a great day. 
Need Help Identifying Speakers
Is the tweeter mounted on the outer edge or the inner edge? Since the speakers have more than one brand of drivers I think it would be safe to say they are not a production model. 
Firing up old tube amps. Should I worry?
Find a repair shop with a variac or buy an inexpensive one. There is a good chance you will need it again in the future. 
Dunlavy SC IV or Merlin VSM M
I'm not trying to trick you into anything, but as long as you want to continue discussing this it's ok with me. Since you brought it up 16x23 is a little larger than average and would accommodate either speaker quite nicely. In fact there is a goo... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
It's called tonal balance and it's all about setting up a system to your liking. I mentioned this a couple of times on this thread and I think a couple of folks agree with me when I say your system is leaning out as it warms up. For the majority o... 
Dunlavy SC IV or Merlin VSM M
I understand what you are saying and I don't blame you for wanting to set the record straight when information about your product is incorrect. However, I did not see any inaccuracies posted about Merlin speakers. Did I miss something? I believe y... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
That's what happens when the midbass is down in level. 
Dunlavy SC IV or Merlin VSM M
I understand the part about a room's volume, however, it would be difficult to recommend any speaker without knowing more details such as doorways and other obstacles that may hinder speaker set up and performance. Since the speakers are 10 years ... 
Bass leaves after amp warms up?
Krell man, I'm going with number 3. 
Audio Research D-52B: any suggestions for caps?
"My old Audio Research D-52B is now considered "End of Life" by the manufacturer."How does it sound? Audio Research is not the company it used to be now that there are new owners. They are not supporting older models anymore and nobody answers the... 
Anyone Using Bose 901 speakers In A Home Theater?
Schubert, Does that mean don't go with the Klipsch? 
Does your system sound better than most demo's?
Don't need cables and power cords with my Bose radio. I'm good to go. I just hope you're not turning your nose up because you have a much more elaborate system than me. 
Dunlavy SC IV or Merlin VSM M
I see Bobby's advertising paid off. 
Jeff Rowland 2 or Classe 25 for Avalon Eclipse
Guido, Nice system and impressive specs on the M725. Everything from that company has been terrific.