
Responses from sfdude

Best speaker cable for audio physic padua speakers
Speaker cables would hardly give you an added amount of bass. It may make it more clearly defined, which in turn might lead to either a tighter perceived sound in the lower end. However, it's not going to magically give you that extra extension yo... 
Best $1k pair of floor standing speakers?
Dream Theater with Soliloquy's? I've never heard DT on these speakers but for justice to be done to the music, I'd look at a pair of Totem Model 1s.I'd be interested in hearing how Soliloquy's deal with Led Zep and Pink Floyd though. 
What speakers for $5K Used?
Merlin VSM-Ms, as mentioned above. Very good recommendation and a good fit for the Plinius gear you have. Would be "overkill" for home theater but won't need to upgrade for a long long time. 
Sonus Faber Owners - Some Input Please
Krell 300i integrated.Despite people who insist that this combination is not good, using them with my SF Signums produces music. Period. Your tastes will dictate how certain combinations sound to you. If you like laid-back sound, tubes may be a wa...