
Responses from shazam

What's your profession? Age?
45 year old educational software analyst and instructional designer. My current system retails about $12,000 (amp is second hand, so I paid about $9,000 for it all). Had a system that retailed for about $35,000 at one point but I just didn't enjoy... 
Sunnyjim - Anticable is literally what the name implies, not cable. It is instead extruded solid core copper wire covered with a very thin dialectic coating - this is what gives it such high performance for low prices. The new level 3 wire is actu... 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
One of the best things I ever did was go to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest where I could walk from room to room and hear all kinds of equipment and setups and ask questions about them. They may not have your exact setup, but there will be tons of t... 
Close to wall monitors for Naim UnitiQute
Mtbrinder, I actually heard to The Clue at RMAF in October and am strongly considering them. In fact, they are probably the lead option right now. I really liked their presence and ability to fill the room. For the price ($1,000 new), they are har... 
Close to wall monitors for Naim UnitiQute
Thanks for all the suggestions, I'm glad to learn of models that can go up against the wall. I'm ashamed to admit I haven't heard the Harbeth's - which is surprising given the popularity of the model. If a used pair pops up here I may have to jump... 
Close to wall monitors for Naim UnitiQute
Forgot to mention that I am historically a ProAc fan, having used the 1SC and currently have D28, but they just won't work for the space I have now. 
Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?
Like many here, I've gone back and forth with this very experience. I had a collection of 1,000+ back in the late 80's that I sold off in bulk when CDs overtook my musical life. My regret was not hanging on to some of my favorites and collectibles... 
New amp being touted as among the best ever......
It's almost August, anybody given this a listen yet? Any chance one will be at RMAF in October? 
Simaudio Moon 600i vs Lsa statement
I own an LSA Statement and it is by far the best amp I've ever owned. While I haven't had too many big $$ amps, this was the first one that gave me everything - staging, tone, PRAT, and by far the best "impact." It is one of the few things I've fo... 
Match for Naim UnitQute under $3,000
I'm not expecting to match the D28 in extension, I simply mention it as a reference to what I know. 
16/44 FLAC downloads for new & popular titles
Ultimately, I would like for Amazon or Apple to offer full resolution downloads so I don't have to hunt and peck different sites. Sometimes a popular title simply isn't available anywhere online. I want to be able to grab the latest releases from ... 
Battery powered, high resolution capable DAC?
Checked the Ack and it is only 16 bit capable according to what I found on their product page - so that one is a non-starter. 
Battery powered, high resolution capable DAC?
So I guess the trick is knowing the voltage of the DAC? I know my PS Audio PWD uses multiple voltages and therefore is not a candidate. That said, I would prefer something designed to be used with battery power from the get go.I'll check out the A... 
Red Wine Audio Isabella Synergy
Don't know if you saw this, but there are a pair of 70.2 for sale that were upgraded to the new power packs. Might get a good deal. 
Integrated or speakers
Tough call really because the two go hand in hand to create the sound you want. If you know you will eventually upgrade both, I would decide based on an anticipated pairing of the two - or at least an approach (class A, 300B tubed, Manley house so...