
Responses from shraggs

Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?
Correction. Hifi and tape.  
Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?
DBX 3dbx expander. Not really hi to, but can help old tale source listening and is fun to look at. Orginal Carver cube. Very small power.  
Which Subwoofer would you choose?
I agree! I run two mx-70's and they are awsome 
Time for Two Ways !
2 way fan here too!  In addition to your list of pros, a wife pleasing size too!  I've always valued fast speakers and soundstage and felt in my smaller rooms over the years, smaller 2 way are easier to achieve this.  My choice remains my old - mo... 
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably?
what a great thread!  If threshold is on the list, then I include Forte, either model 1 or 3.  My model three is still my amp  and recently had Jon S rebuild it.  I remember upgrading from my adcom 535 (still my backup), to the next level.  I unfa... 
Budget Audiophile Looking For Amplifier Suggestions
I bought in the mid 90's a new forte model 3. This year finally had Jon soderburg rebuild it. At $1300 then it performed well above its price in my auditions and today it is still remarkable.