
Responses from strats

What are the weak points of Pass amps and pre-amps ?
I upgraded from a Bel Canto Ref500s to a Pass XA30.8 a few years ago. Although the Bel Canto was not bad, the Pass was a dramatic improvement. I tried a Devialet around the same time and it wasn't for me. As amazing as the Pass amp was, the downsi... 
Single-ended vs. Balanced input for Pass Labs XA30.8 (input will be a Golden Gate DAC)
Thanks @david_ten . This makes sense. I was hoping to get the best fit DAC and then build up other relevant accessories over time so I could get both over time. Having said that, I already have 3 dedicated lines. My power amp and DAC are each on t... 
Single-ended vs. Balanced input for Pass Labs XA30.8 (input will be a Golden Gate DAC)
Thanks for all the responses! This is very helpful. @georgesallit325, I considered the option of a single ended DAC into an XP12 and then going balanced from there to the amp. That could still be an option. I'm just concerned that it might not rea... 
Single-ended vs. Balanced input for Pass Labs XA30.8 (input will be a Golden Gate DAC)
Thanks shannere! This is helpful. The DA06, has no volume control, right? Did you connect it to a Pass preamp? Were the connections from the DAC to preamp and preamp to power amp the same for the comparisons (single ended / balanced)? Roughly how ...