
Responses from sukihock

I am looking into the Tekton Lore's
If you search here under Tekton Design and then click on discussions you'll find a thread entitled "Zu Omen or Tekton Lore." I'm getting some good feedback there as I too am considering Lore purchase. 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Gpowered - since you've owned so many speakers I'll ask you. Do the Lore's super-tweeter call attention to itself? How would you characterize the overall temperature of the speakers's overall tone? I really wanted a pure full range speaker. I'm as... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Thanks to all who have increased my confidence in throwing my next hard earned dollars Eric's way. Yeah I spoke to him recently about the Model 81en with the Fostex FE206en driver. I just sold my Sierra-1 here and I was looking to replace with ano... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
I've owned past Zu model. After reading these responses I'm now looking forward to ordering Lore instead of Omen. I just hope I come up with the dough before an increase in $850 price of admission. 
McCormack DNA-125/225 Upgrades
Tom, I'm awaiting the delivery of my DNA-500 and you are absolutely correct. When I asked Steve McCormack about any DNA-HT5 upgrades (I owned one) and whether it would then be on par with the 500, he kindly replied that there was nothing that he c...