

Responses from ted_denney

Vibration isolation
Patrick if the MiG 2.0‘s aren’t quite clicking in your system why not have your dealer send you a set or two of the original MiG’s which can sound warmer and more organic in some systems.Your’s in music,Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research 
The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....
SR fuses are NOT sourced from China. Wolf stop making stuff up and please stop hiding behind a fake name as you disseminate FAKE NEWS. Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc. 
The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....
wolf_garcia3,321 posts11-16-2017 10:19amOver 3,000 $130 fuses sold…I have to wonder what the cost of manufacturing those things actually is, and, although not in the literal sense, there's your boiling vat of snake oil right there! Actually Garcia...