
Responses from the_eleven

best used VPI table?
This is all great info, thanks.Another thing that I am learning, as I read the old posts here, is that my apartment on the third floor, with suspended wood floors, might favor a suspended TT, instead of a design such as the VPI.Are there any of th... 
best used VPI table?
Which Gyro did you get? How would you compare the sound to your Delphi? Which Delphi did you used to have?I really like the sound of the Delphi, save for the lightness in the lower end, which was a characteristic of the earliest tables. 
VPI Rim Drive vs. belt drive sound files
Dean, thanks for the excellent information. I have several thousand vinyl discs and am preparing to archive as much of it as I have patience for...I definitely prefer the sound of the rim drive...even through an older iMac DAC and IEM's I can hear...