
Responses from thirdworldman

I'm now a Cardas Woman. I used to be a Kimber gal
I used to have the Hero between an Aragon 24K preamp and McCormack DNA .5 amp and it worked wonders there. It's really a go to cable as far as I'm concerned. I believe the wire in your project cable uses an improved dialectric (white and clear) so... 
I'm now a Cardas Woman. I used to be a Kimber gal
I purchased a 1M pair of Parsec about 6 weeks ago to go between my DAC and integrated amp. It sounded pretty good right out of the box but really started to open up around the 3 week (500 hours) mark. I now have about 750 hours on them and they re... 
Less expensive Cables for Simaudio & Focal Speaker
I'm using Cardas Quadlink 5C between my Simaudio I.5 Integrated and Vandersteen 1Ci speakers. Different speakers I know but very dynamic sound. The Simaudio I.5 was the predessesor to the 220i which then became the 220i Neo.2M pair is $518. 1.5M i... 
I'm now a Cardas Woman. I used to be a Kimber gal
Just wait until the Parsec speaker cables come out. Temptation, temptation, temptation...You have to go all the way, right?Really looking forward to hearing how the 7m Parsec sounds.