
Responses from tmark525

Add me to the list recommending you try ClearDay.  The price is right and they are very musical. 
Shopping for an integrated, advice s'il vous plait.
You might want to consider a Lyndorf TDAI-2170.  It`s an amazing amp with excellent room conditioning software (Room Perfect) built in.   
The most transparent speaker cable
typo!  Meant Clearday! 
The most transparent speaker cable
I agree with milpai.  Clearly cables are (in addition to great value) remarkably transparent.  They do take quite a while to break in, but you can test drive them for 30 days with no risk, and Paul (the guy who makes them) is a pleasure to deal wi... 
Purchasing from Japan
It is highly unlikely that you will get ripped off doing business in Japan.  I've lived here for many years and have not come across a scam yet.  I have bought and sold audio equipment here and have been impressed by the level of honesty and integ...