
Responses from tomfoolery

What area or country do you live in ?
Burlington, Vt. 45 miles from the Canadian border. 
A song murdered by someone.
Never cared much for David Bowie’s take on “Across the Universe”, but on a positive note (no pun) Johnny Cash’s version of “Hurt” tramples Nine Inch Nail’s version. They did write a great song. 
Is there actually a difference?
Back  when I was young many years ago I could here all sorts of differences between amps. In the pre-nineties days the big amps often didn’t sound near as good as the low wattage four output transistor 60 watt class! In those times interstate coup... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
What turntable! 
Whats playing on your system today?
Helene Grimald: Gershwin Concerto in F, Ravel Concerto in G with David Zinman and the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 
Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money?
In general I don't like Klipsch speakers, but 40 years ago I developed a fondness for Cornwalls. I stumbled upon a pair (last year) of Cornwalls (circa 1978) #1 and #2 off the line that year, then raw birch, now freshly walnut veneered, with a new... 
Replacing generic RECEPTACLES
I own apartments, and sometimes have Section 8 tenants! When I have an inspection, the inspector uses a classic polarity tester to twist and wrench each outlet. If he tester flickers at all (continuity break) I have to replace it! (If they weren’t... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Vaughn Williams Symphony #4 and #6 Boult/New Philharmonia Orchestra 
I like Steve Guttenberg.
I like the way his eyes dart upward and to his right as though he accessing that area of his brain where he stores his audio knowledge!  
Adcom GFA 555 amp upgrades
I was an Adcom dealer long ago, I agree the 5802 was by far their best amp. It had that “French dark roast” character of the rest of the line but with a refinement not in the others. I think Audio Amateur had a regulator board that improved the 55... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
I heard a system that had been treated weeks ago with TC which I really liked previously. My gut take on it: the mids to highs where slightly more vivid, the low level information which I thought was very good seemed deminished, His system was ver... 
I learned the hard way
It took me years to stop chasing Audio Perfection as portrayed by some Audio magazines and  some High end Audio stores and build a system more for the enjoyment of music! Throwing a lot of money at your perceived system short comings can lead you ...