

Responses from topoxforddoc

Decca cartridge experiences
Johnnantaisget your Decca rebuilt by Garrot Brothers. I have an original Garrott Bros Decca and it is much better tha the standard. Following the Brothers' tragic death in the 80s, the tooling was retained and is now used by their surviving partne... 
avantgarde loudspeakers
I have the current Duos, driven by by my rebuilt Quad IIs, Verdier Control B tube preamp and fronted by a Platine Verdier, Schroeder Model 2 and Allaerts MC1B. You need to set the AG horns up properly - toe in to focus in front of your listening s... 
Speakers for under $10k used?
Get a pair of used Unos or Duos. Must have current CTRL 225 subs. You won't need Krells to run them. 5 watts of tube power will make your house and your neighbours' rock. They go really loud (102 db/Watt) are virtually indestructible and sound fan... 
New vs Used when buying please share thoughts
Used is fine except for cartridges. Had lots of used speakers, CD players, TTs,arms (check bearings), tuners (tube leak troughline) and tube amps (be prepared for service or new tubes). Just make sure you can hear it first or get a MBG from seller 
Noise from tweeter
Could be mains noise. I get this on my Avantgarde Duo horns drivern by Quad IIs. Late at night is much better as I don't pick up mains noise from either electrical appliances in my home or even from other houses up my street. 
Help me find it again
Try a pair of Avantgarde Horns if your budget will reach. Unos or Duos would fill your room with sound. I have my Duos with an old Meridian 206B, Verdier tube preamp and Quad II monoblocs. My room is aso about 35ft by 18 ft with high 12 ft ceiling... 
Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K
Avantgarde Duos. But make sure they are set up properly. A badly set up pair will sound very indifferent. Get them right and they sound real! 
Do You Remember Your First CD Player?
Yep! Mine was a Meridian 206B. Still have it and it is used regularly. Not as good as my vinyl front-end Platine Verdier, Allaerts MC1B and Schroeder model 2. However, still pretty musical and reliable. 
Verdier Platine turntable?
I have a Platine with Schroeder model 2 and Allaerts MC1B. The Platine is fantastic. I would agree with Tuboo. One of the best TTs ever made. 
Cartridge wars
My choice would be Allaerts MC1B. Jan Allaerts only makes 70 cartridges a year. MC1B is one of his lower models, much better than the base MC1 Eco. Waiting list is about 6 months. I've got mine now - fantastic. Better than my old Dynavector Karat ... 
Decca cartridge experiences
Yeah, I will some time. Had it on about 6 months ago. But I get plenty of slam from my current setup - Platine Verdier, Hadcock 228 (soon to be replaced by Schroeder model 2), Allaerts MC1B, Verdier control B valve preamp, rebuilt Quad IIs and Ava... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Avantgarde Duos. In a big room with vinyl and tubes, they sound like real music. Even my wife is impressed! 
Decca cartridge experiences
I still have my Deccas - a Maroon and an original Garrott Bros Decca Gold. The Garrott rebuild was just fantastic. I now use an Allaerts MC1-B which is more subtle, less slam, sweeter at the top end and tracks sooo much better.I used my Deccas on ...