

Responses from topoxforddoc

Cartridges for Mayware Mk IV Tonearms
Depending on your budget, something like an Ortofon 2M Black, Goldring 1042 or higher end Nagaoka would be excellent. Alternatively a Decca/London cartridge would work really well with a bit of fluid damping on the tonearm. 
What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?
Another option might be a TRON Atlantic, if you are considering buying new. 8W 300B with great build quality. Having heard it, it is every bit as good as Graham Tricker's other valve power amps.A friend of mine in the UK has just bought one to go ... 
Phonostage: Wavac vs Doshi vs Tron
I bought a new TRON Reference earlier this year and am really happy. Exquisite (really exquisite) build quality and very natural sounding- not lush or warm at all. Some might call it un-tube like, but it just sounds natural and musical. 
Best 300B SET
Consider the TRON Discovery if you have deep pockets, or maybe the new TRON Atlantic, which is more modestly priced. 
Wet Cleaning the Stylus
Wet clean your stylus only when truly necessary. Wet clean your LPs on a vacuum RCM and you will hardly ever need to clean your stylus. Sounds better and it will save you having the tip falling off as the glue bond weakens with repeated cleaning. 
$8000 budget on Pre-amp
How about a TRON Seven - either line-stage or the pre-amp with on board phono? Great boutique British tube pre-amp with impeccable build and excellent SQ. 
London Decca
Can you guys give me some tips on how to achieve 90% of the Decca at a fraction of the price?John, buy an used Decca and send it to John Wright in the Shropshire, UK for a rebuild. JW designed the Jubilee and Reference and builds all the current L... 
Pass Labs amps and Avantgarde speakers
You might want to have a listen to TRON, a bespoke UK valve amplifier company. Graham Tricker, the designer, distributes AG in the UK and has designed his amplifiers specifically to run with AG and other high efficiency horns. He has a distributor... 
More turntable set up problems
HollyThe noise you describe like a transistor radio sounds like Mistracking by the cartridge.Does this sound distorted through both channels or just one? If it is just one, (or if one is worse) then swap the tubes round in your phono stage. If it ... 
Tonearm for London Reference
Hadcock or Decca International. A Schroeder works well too.Alternatively a linear tracker like the Terminator TPro3.i have used my Deccas (C4E, Garrott Gold & Maroon) on Hadcocks and Schroeders. Both are great matches. 
Decca London Gold cartridge nightmare
All the Decca cartridges are now still made under the London brand by John Wright in Bridgnorth, UK. The Reference is still made and they have now introduced a Professional cartridge for DJs with a spherical tip and front/back ties for the cantile... 
What cartridge do I get now?
Glad to hear you're pleased. You would have to spend a lot of money to beat a properly fettled Decca.Charlie 
What cartridge do I get now?
JW normally turns things round in a week. Let us know what you think. 
What is the Phono stage you have finished with?
TRON Seven Reference built specially for my Decca C4E. Just brilliant! Here’s my review of it.http://www.hifiwigwam.com/showthread.php?92665-Seven-Heaven-TRON-style 
What cartridge do I get now?
JW will sort your Decca out. A Paratrace tip will make a big difference. If it’s fettled properly and matched with a decent arm and phono stage, it is a truly astonishing pick-up.Charlie