
Responses from tsushima1

High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
I would be most interested to hear opinion from forum members that have either, purchased or have demo'd, any of the High Fidelity speaker cables, in conjunction with speakers of 'middling' sensitivity and which may also exhibit a marked swinging ... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
I would be most interested to hear opinion from forum members that have either, purchased or have demo'd, any of the High Fidelity speaker cables, in conjunction with speakers of 'middling' sensitivity and which may also exhibit a marked swinging ... 
New KT150 tubes?
A very recent comment posted on another forum, Dealer/User location as yet unknown."My dealer got confirmation i can use the kt150 in my ref750s. They also suggested i wait a bit because they mention with the amount of tube in the 750s, ARC find i... 
Has anyone tried KT150s in their ARC Ref 110?
" 07-14-14: Hifigeek1Bifwynne please email me..Thx "You wouldn't be holding out on us poor old fungi, now would you Gary? 
New KT150 tubes?
And from another Costa Rican based corespondent, seeking advise, in respect of an amplifier to drive his Martin Logan CLX speaker,"Problem solved. You are absolutely right, following those who recommended to test the amp at home, I did just that a... 
Phasured to Life NOS1
@Bhobba,I am wondering whether you ever managed to get to hear the full Phasure NOS1 / XXHighend / Optimised PC set up? Either in isolation, or as part of another multi DAC GTG. 
New KT150 tubes?
And for the interest of members that 'actually' have a material interest in this matter, further comment from a guy in Florida running with an Ref75/KT150 combo~" That is a good assumption. I have also heard that "when or if" they "sanction" the K... 
New KT150 tubes?
A little further information via 'Our man' In Costa Rica."Today, I went to see (and hear) the ref150 with the kt150... The owner told me it was the dealer who suggested the use of kt150, has only 62.2 hrs on the clock, but absolutely no problems..... 
New KT150 tubes?
Well folks, further somewhat encouraging news ~ "@bsandovalb, Do you know whether the owner of said Ref150 had sought/obtained official sanction for this, either from ARC Central or an ARC authorised dealer ?" "Hi, in fact, the owner is the local ... 
New KT150 tubes?
However,When one considers that It would appear ARC have been 'life' testing this valve for over a year now, Albee that in conjunction with the development of a new product line, I find it inconceivable that ARC-R&D have not concluded whether ... 
New KT150 tubes?
Apologies for the double post Folks!Until such time as ARC issues an official statement, sanctioning the use of KT150's in specific model's, I quite understand your cautiousness in this regard Bifwynne. 
New KT150 tubes?
From the same unsubstantiated source.Marc, If not too much of an imposition would you mind inquiring, via your dealer, as to ARC's position with respect to the REF150 please."I was told that they recommend them in all kt120 based products. But you... 
New KT150 tubes?
From the same, as yet, unsubstantiated source.Marc, If not too much of an imposition would you mind inquiring, via your dealer, as to ARC's position with respect to the REF150 please."I was told that they recommend them in all kt120 based products... 
New KT150 tubes?
Comment from an ARC REF75 owner residing in Seattle."Call ARC. My dealer did, and they told him to tell me to go ahead and put them in my Ref75." 
Heads-Up: ARC introducing new G Series
Perhaps the new owners, LBO France private equity group, might consider taking a look at the European/UK dealer RRP on the Reference range (watch out for Low Flying Pigs). As of today's $/£ exchange rate, the UK RRP on an Ref10 equates to $47,014....