
Responses from tsushima1

Audio Research Reference 3 Seeking help
Gentlemen , Please !It was not my intent to be the cause of any handbags and spilled Lady Petrol.@ Bifwynne , My posting whilst posing a serious technical inquiry also contained a somewhat less than serious element of Satire.@ Don , Whilst I fully... 
Audio Research Reference 3 Seeking help
I would be most grateful were any AG member to be in a position to advise me as to what voltages / loading ARC run the 6550 within the Ref5SE power supply circuit,as It would seem that ARC Central forcibly lobotomize (other than their official ser... 
ARC Reference se
@ Hansk46 Most interesting re ECC 903 replacement of an 6H30 , I take it we are talking an double adapter socket that plugs directly into the 9 pin socket that would house the single 6H ?I would be grateful for any further information regarding wh... 
ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply?
I thought that I would resurrect this topic perhaps with a little more pertinence to the later Ref 5SE and in particular with regard to comment made by Ethannn back in 08" 07-13-08: EthannnnI would recommend the (blue label) GEC KT88 for this pre.... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Gentlemen , May we endevour to keep to the salient subject of this thread please ! 
audio research REF 150
Good evening .I have been having a little "FuN" switching the output taps on a REF-150 driving Martin Logan CLX's and find myself concurring with a post made by another member , sfischer1, earlier in this thread ~"11-21-11: Sfischer1Just spent a c... 
New KT150 tubes?
FAO ~ Bifwynne ,http://www.audioaficionado.org/audio-research/23028-arc-coupling-capacitors.htmlYou should have no concerns as long as you experience no necessity for ARC to replace any of your 2uF coupling capacitors ,note post #17. (I trust that... 
New KT150 tubes?
Hmmm, standard ARC Central Obfuscation ! I had enough of this when inquiring as to the current situation over ARC's lack of customer disclosure in regard to their phasing out of the 2Uf Teflon coupling capacitors on the Ref 150 .I sincerely hope t... 
New KT150 tubes?
Good morning Gary (Hifigeek).Merely wondering whether there has been any further progress reports coming out of ARC Central ?One would presume a bare minimum test time in line with ARC's retail tube guarantee regardless of any decision whether to ... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Good evening Folks.In no small way due to the generosity and swift personal attentions of Rick and the consummate professionalism of Richard of Lotus HiFi , HiFidelity cables UK distributor , I have a set of Ultimate Reference IC's on initial hour... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Should the Audio Gods be of benevolent humor my CT-1 Ultimate Ref IC's may be with me a week hence . I shall endevour to post a few thoughts upon initial replacment of the incumbent CT-1U's. 
New KT150 tubes?
Sounds promising Hfg1 , the last time I ran this past the main UK distributor being a number of weeks past the situation ,as far as was aware at that time , was that the Ref 75 would be Circuit/Traffo compatible , the Ref 150 he thought more doubt... 
New KT150 tubes?
Thank you once again Hfg1 for keeping we ARC'rs in the loop Were the utilization of the KT-150 to prove technically compatible , I do hope , regardless of pricing , that ARC R&D leave such a decision up to the end user rather than deciding not... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Siddh"Did you notice a drop in output gain?this poses a problem of having to jack the volume knobs way up." @Siddh,With a few more weeks on the clock I am curious as to whether you have been able to reign back on the volume control or does this pa... 
New KT150 tubes?
Thank you for the update Ffg1 , hopefully we may receive some direction early-ish in the New Year .