

Responses from viethluu

KEF Q350 with a Yamaha r-s202 receiver?
I suggest that you replace the Yamaha receiver with some thing a little bit better. For example: PS Audio Sprout, Nuforce STA200, ....Your speaker's choice seems ok though 
Blown away by YAQIN MC-13S - tube amplifier
swapping the power cord did improve my Yaqin significantly. 
KEF Reference 1 vs. Olympica 1
I agree with audiotroy. I have demoed both KEF ref1 and Sonus Faber Olympica 1, and I personally prefer KEF ref1. Nothing wrong with Sonus Faber, it is just too warm for my taste. I like a little bit of a "spicy" sound. By the way, the KEF ref1 go... 
Blown away by YAQIN MC-13S - tube amplifier
Seem like every body suggested to me to roll tube, what tube should I roll ? Has any one tried it before and what is the result comparing to the OEM tube.Also, I changed the ohm load, made some db difference but nothing changed in sound quality. 
About to purchase the Kef LS50W speaker want opinions about set up....
@matt00 Just buy a sub from Hsu, SVS ,.... and cross over with the speaker at 45 Hz. That will improve the sound a lot