
Responses from vn101606

Krell EVO-1, FPB-750MCX or EVO-900
I agree completely. There are many things that are necessary to make the 750mcx achieve their full potential:a) Each one with a dedicated 20amp lineb) Directly into the line, no power filtersc) 220Vd) recapping by a Krell dealere) top amp stands s... 
2 Krell fpb700cx or Krell fpb750mcx
I had the Krell dealer perform the recapping of my 750mcx monoblocks and also install furutech power cable connectors, so I will be trying different power cables.  
2 Krell fpb700cx or Krell fpb750mcx
Also, the Krell Phantom is much better than the KCT.  I compared both in my system and bought the Phanton which I had for several years. Recently upgraded to CH Precision L1+X1.  
2 Krell fpb700cx or Krell fpb750mcx
I had a 700cx and upgrade to 750mcx monoblocs.  Worthwhile improvement!  Make sure you get them new capacitors and put them in top amp stands. 
Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs Dunlavy IVa crossover modification
Hello JD, Following you footsteps I changed the tweeters of my Dunlavy SC-VI to top Seas Crescendo and it was a great upgrade, very similar specifications, sound much better.  I also vastly upgraded the crossover with Duelund. My other components ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
For me the top two DACs that I have heard are:(a) Totaldac Twelve SE (I bought one)(b) MSB Select IIBoth of them are great.  
What are your top 3 favorite DAC or DAC/Streamer devices?
DAC:  Totaldac Twelve SEStreamer: (a) Innuos Zenith SE and (b) Totadac Server. NAS: Innuos Zenith SE 
Innuos Zenith
I have a Zenith SE with I use with my Totaldac Twelve SE.  Very happy with it.  I use a Totaldac Ethernet Cable and a Totaldac Gigafilter USB cable.   I wonder about the sound difference with the Zenith Statement and what is the upgrade path. http... 
Five "Golden Rules" of HiFi?
1. Spend a lot of time performing room measurements (learn how to do it and buy good equipment/sofware), optimize room dimensions and treatment, optimize speaker positioning, optimize listening position, install dedicated power lines, power distri... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Grannyring, Could you share some good sources of quartz reptisand? I could put an inch or two of it in my external crossover boxes and have the tone wood with the crossover parts/circuit rest on it. Thanks,VPN 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Zeroabedo,I am also looking forward hearing the comparison of anyone who is able hear and compare the Duelund CAST-cu caps with the new Duelund CAST-cu/ag hybric caps in a Crossover. Thanks,VPN 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Ricevs,You crossovers will likely be top notch. I have an electronic engineering degree, so I can appreciate the concepts you mentioned. You mentioned that I need better speakers. Well, if I hear any that are better than my modded Dunlavy SC-VI, I... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Ricevs,Ricevs,I liked the First Watt B4 concept of having an attenuator select so either the low pass or the high pass, only one, uses an attenuator. The other one does not have an attenuator in the signal path. Makes sense. I, for example you use... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Regarding active bi-amping, I tried for several months, with a Pass XVR-1 (upgraded pot to Dact), and two pairs of Kell fpb 750mcx. Tried many alternative settings, with one pair driving directly the two 15" woofers of each speaker, and the other ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hello Volleyguy1,I replaced all caps in the secondary paths (except on)of the 4-way crossover and they sound good. I have not done a direct comparison with the Cast which are in primary path. The exception was a Duelund Cast Mylar 220uF in paralle...