
Responses from wchang

French Astree label
Not to hijack the thread, but I'm curious how many of us here are fans of Early Music... 
does your system "warm up" and then sound better?
I very carefully experimented with a Unico hybrid. It would take two days to sound its best, with significant changes at 2/4/6/8 hour marks. Even swapping hot tubes with cold, the amp otherwise fully warmed up (i.e. on for at least two days), took... 
Importance of Soundstage/Imaging
My preference: coherence, dynamics, detail, timber, openness, imaging, air, bass.My opinion: The last 2 or 3 can sometimes be remedied by selecting components, adding supertweeter/subwoofer, and room treatment. The middle 2 or 3 are really importa... 
Luxman L-530 or Marantz PM-84 II
Based on my limited experience with a Marantz Esotec PM-5 (25W class A) and an old Luxman L-530, I believe the Marantz sonic style (during that period) is more powerful, especially in the bass, and more direct, whereas the Luxman style is more lai... 
SS amps as good as the classic ARC 100.2?
Thank you both!Anyone compared 100.2 with Parasound Halo, Spectron Musician, Unico SE etc?Ideally I'm hoping to find a lower-bias/non-class A candidate, or one with "standby" to reduce substantially the warm-up time needed for best sound. 
Best Two-Way Monitor Speakers under $700 New/Used
I had great results running a Musical Fidelity tube buffer between the Quad 12L Active and Quad 99CDP (which has digital volume control). So a tube preamp in front of the 12L Active should be even better. I also put mousepads between the 12L and t... 
Rawson Amps
Chewrock, is the heat sink you used also DIY or is it commercially available retail? I may buy a First Watt something, but the Class A heat and wasted energy especially WHEN IDLE bother me quite a bit. Given your expertise, I'd appreciate any thou... 
Stacked Bookshelf Speakers -- Perplexing Nirvana?
Thanks for the replies. The Monitor 2.5 were eBay $250 oldies with very fast gold dome tweeters but the mid/woofers aren't quite so quick. So the highs complement the F120A nicely while the mids compromise the overall transcent response and "wavef... 
Using two center channel LCR speakers for stereo
Thanks everyone!I also found a monster thread on avsforum (Monitor Audio Owners Thread) where someone did this with GSLCR. I placed a Wanted Ad here but so far no "used" ones have turned up. Thanks to the dollar's recovery (rather, fall of the sti...