

Responses from wharfy

Buy 12ax7 tube
Mehdikh423-Following up on Lowrider57's suggestion. I purchased Brick Wall audio surge protector and this helped lower floor noise on my Cayin 50T amp.https://www.brickwall.com/products/eight-outlet-audio-surge-protector 
DAC upgrade
Ayre Codex. Can be purchased "pre-owned" for around 1K. Transparent sound, great resolution without sounding etched.  
Tim Ryan, BSC Electronic Systems Customer Service Issues?
Looks like my Tim Ryan saga is coming to an end. I received my refund. I hope @seasoned and anyone else who did not have smooth transactions with Tim gets satisfaction.It's worth noting that Tammy, here at Audiogon deserves a big shout out!!! Than... 
Tim Ryan, BSC Electronic Systems Customer Service Issues?
Great news, David!Will keep you posted.#seasoned -hoping you get your refund, also. 
Tim Ryan, BSC Electronic Systems Customer Service Issues?
Carmenc-Yes, yes and yes. Ryan is advertising a product he doesn't stock. I learned a lot from this experience. The biggest being do my research first. An internet search shows many people have had similar issues.Am happy to private message.Season... 
Tim Ryan, BSC Electronic Systems Customer Service Issues?
Carmenc-I am also in claim process with paypal. Your experience mirrors mine. The thing that’s really burning me up is that Ryan continues to advertise on audiogon that he is selling restocked DSPeakers, when he doesn’t have them. He says he has t... 
My 6922 Tubes Are Too Bright!
This is a good source/overview of NOS 6922. You can use it to find tubes suiting your sound preferences.https://www.audioasylum.com/audio/faq/joes-tubes.html 
Passive pre-amp/Quicksilver Mini Monos
A lot of useful advice and recommendations. All appreciated. I am not sure what I will do.In an effort to consolidate the equipment I am looking at options. There have been a couple occasions when the heat generated by the Mini's are used to finis... 
Passive pre-amp/Quicksilver Mini Monos
Oddiofyl-what didn'y you like? 
Proac Response D30 DS
"The D30 RS are not for me I guess...I will stick to the 140MKII , really love them and they are ideal to my room size."itzhak1969-The 30s with the carbon fiber drivers come up for sale on the used market. If you really like them you can get them ... 
Thad Jones
This is a fun thread! Thanks for starting it mitch4t.The Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Big Band, Live at the Village Vanguard, has two incredible bands. One of the musicians, Bob Brookmeyer played valve trombone, and boy can he swing.If anyone is intereste... 
Do I have to brand match preamp and amp?
thyname-He is saying to get the K-5x.  
DAC recommendation
gdhal-view the chart as a starting point, and not so different than this thread, where someone is asking advice.  
DAC recommendation
Leemaze-I went through a similar process, looking for a DAC at a particular pricepoint and sound. I found this online and thought it was helpful.http://www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/marveys-dac-chart-of-awesomeness.63/ 
6H30p-DR vs 6H30p Tubes
lalitk-how do the HiFi Supreme Fuses compare with SR fuses. I've since upgraded to the SR blues and they sound great in my AR equipment.trelja-"sound" advice. In the end you can sell something in demand at close to cost. Then it's like a rental.