
Responses from williamdc

Is New Vinyl Exempt from Loudness Wars?
The Dynamic Range Database is a good resource for comparing new vinyl and CD releases, at least in terms of raw dynamic range:http://dr.loudness-war.info/The vinyl releases aren't always there, but are listed enough such that I use it as a resourc... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I purchased an M20FL because of this thread and am enjoying it. Thanks guys.Glueing is an interesting idea. I wouldn't want to do it in a permanent manner myself but I can see possible advantages.On a similar subject, the M20FL stylus has a stylus... 
Soundsmith "The Voice"?
Mosin,Thanks. What do you mean "the particular cartridge was built to match". Do you mean that you have the medium compliance version of The Voice? 
Soundsmith "The Voice"?
What arms work well with The Voice?There are two versions, I believe, one with a 22 um/mN medium compliance and one with 28 um/mN high compliance. 
K&K Phono
I had a C4s upgraded Seduction. It is good, with fabulous price/performance. However, it isn't in the same league as the K&K. 
Teres 260 or Galibier Serac?
Yeah, it is my recollection that Doug mentioned that the Verus motor he got was one of the first and it didn't maintain a constant speed.I am very happy with my Verus. I have a 255 and upgraded from Belt Drive. For me, the biggest advantage was th... 
K&K any comments?
Like Shakey, I've been enjoying my K&K since 2003 too. I built it as a kit. I've also added the two upgrade kits.About a month ago I installed the new Lundahl LL1931 step-ups and they are another excellent "step up".If anyone gets the new tran... 
It's 2008. Why aren't there better options ?
Rob, regarding your comment:***PC/Mac/NAS rigged with wires/routers/DACs/Pace Cars. Seriously?***I've got a Pace-Car/Squeezebox feeding my DAC. It took me about 15 minutes out of the box until I had music playing. I'm not kidding. Start-up time is... 
How many more years before cd's become passe?
I just looked at the Naxos site.Sadly, what they call "CD Quality Sound" is actually 128 kbps. This bit rate isn't even close to CD Quality. 
New Teres Direct Drive Motor Available as Option
I got mine today. Initial comments here:http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/vinyl/messages/67/675079.htmlBill 
Heard the Abbingdon Music research CD player?
Oh man, I am interested in anything Thorsten does, but 93 lbs! I had a SCD-777ES at merely half that weight and messed my back up a few times... 
DIY connectors for a VOLEX power cable
Here is the late great Bob Crump's suggestion for terminations:http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/cables/messages/7885.html(The Volex 17604 and 17605 cords are made from Belden 19364 wire) 
K &K Audio Phono Stage Upgrade
I did the upgrade last week. I agree, it is well worth doing.Results: better punchier bass, more nuance across entire frequency range, better PRAT, and like 4yanx said more liquid sound. 
Optimal Loading for Shelter 501 mk2
Ok, I figured out the problem pointed out by Doug. I thought I could get away with just sticking the resistor leads into the K&K load board trace holes. Nope, this resulted in no load resistors being in the circuit -- thus the weak bass.Solder... 
Optimal Loading for Shelter 501 mk2
Doug,Not Australia: but I do live in Northern California, which some think ='s the opposite of the rest of the U.S. But I do see your point about the loading. I'll get back to ya and the thread after more testing...(as an aside -- did you ever try...