
Responses from zheng4

Synergistic Research Upgrades
I noticed some of you using synergistic research HFT and black box with traditional bass traps. I currently have GIK bass tri-traps, mega bass trap and 242 panels in my dedicated 2-channel listening room, I believe some of you using GIK products t... 
The new Synergistic Research BLUE fuses ....
I replaced four SR black fuses with blue ones in my PS Audio DAC, BHK Preamp, and BHK Amp 250. The improvements are very obvious, similar to what you all described. These fuses are definitely directional, but different from the black fuses for my ... 
PSAudio Direct Stream or Bryston BDA/BDP2?
Anyone has a real-world comparison between PS Audio DirectStream DSD DAC with the Junior? Thanks. 
Small 2 or 3 Way Floor Stander for under $3500.
be sure to hear Goldenear triton speakers.