$1,500 Amp budget - Best options?

I have narrowed my speaker search down to a set of B&W 803S or 803D.

Question. What are the best options to power these speakers with amp budget of around $1500? I'll be using my Marantz 5006 as the pre. Yes, I know there are some more expensive options that may offer a bit more quality, but this is what it is and I'm sticking to it. After I get my options, I'll try to audition as much as possible.

So far I'm considering a new Emotiva XPA-2 or used Bryston 4B-ST. What else do you'all think I should be looking at?

I second the NAD 275BEE that someone above suggested. Good choice. I would also recommend the Vincent SP331 (150 wpc) and Parasound 2250 (250 wpc). All brand new and under or at your budget. They would all get the job done with your 803s. Good luck on your amp journey.
Classe for 1500???? let me know when i can get one...

anthem statement p2... i run a p5 for my ht with 804S at all five channels... the amp is a tank.
Seconding Jl35 on Odyssey. (Though I didn't know "fiends" were into audio.;) Various models can be had for your pricepoint or considerably less. Klaus is a good guy who offers great service on used pieces. He's often able to upgrade/update older pieces: eg, you might find a used Stratos here or on AC for less than 1k, and the seller could send it to Klaus for upgrades and then on to you, and you'd come out with an updated, factory serviced, piece at your pricepoint. This was the arrangement when I sold my Stratos Dual Mono, which I used happily for 6 years. If the B&Ws like a bit of of juice (as I seem to remember they do), Odyessey a top option.
