13' x 9' room big enough?

I would love to have a dedicated 2 channel tube system and was wondering if a 13 x 9 second bedroom would be big enough to do a high end system justice. My ceilings are 13' an one wall is brick. The floor is carpet.

Many thanks,
There's oodles you can do. Don't forget, mini monitors need stands. You can, easily, put Revel M20s or the like in that space. Actually, the M20s are not tube friendly because they need lots of wattage, but the size is the factor I was getting at. These are the speakers I use, so I'm familiar. You set yourself up with a nice 6 foot equilateral triangle and keep your speakers 3 1/2 feet from the back wall, and your listening chair, likewise/3 1/2 feet, from the wall in back of it--you'll be in business. peace, warren
Awesome. Thanks for all the feedback. I was thinking minimonitors, or a 2 way floor stander with the same footprint. If I added a sub, what would conventional wisdom be on placement? I am sure I could experiment, but would "in the middle" be the best place to start?

Totem and Rel is exactly what I was thinking. With Reference 3a's as the upgrade path....

Thanks again.
In the middle is always (well, almost always) the best place for a sub. For two channel listening that is.
Quadophile .. REL ST series are the music subs the Q series are for HT. I have a strata3. You don't need much power in a small room.