$1500 Mini System?

Need suggestions for a sub $1500 mini system. Needs to include CD, amp, and speakers. This is for a non-audiophile listener who is looking for above average sound in a simple to use system. I am leaning towards suggesting the Linn Classik (Used $900) and a sweet pair of monitors in the $500 range (used). Other thoughts are a Creek integrated, Rega Planet, and monitor combo. Please help me give this listener the most bang for his buck and save another person from lo-fi sound.
The original premise said nothing about the type of music to which he/she wants to listen. I listen to mostly classical, and favor Maggies. I just got a pair of MMGs to compare to my 3.5Rs, and I am amazed at how good they sound. They don't have the bass of the biggies, but otherwise are very good, IMHO. I think they would be good in the subject system, but I wouldn't know what amp to recommend, since the Maggies aren't very efficient. The Rotel 951 would probably be a suitable CD player, but there's not much left for an amp after that. Any thoughts about an amp? MMGs would require a fair amount of "urge". Maybe a good used 85-100W?
Used Majik, Mimik and Tukan's you can get them for 1500(+/-)plus some cables (i'll sell you mine LK-400 for 40$ 6')I DARE anybody to find better system or even same for the amount!! You can get all of them here on this pages.
A sad note to this is that my uncle has been diagnosed with cancer and I don't know that I will be able to assemble this mini system for him after all. Thanks to all for the great ideas and I would encourage more since this would help newcomers to high end audio. Jimmy P, I am going to give the MMG's a shot in my personal system. Do you know if they will affect a nearby television with magnetic discoloration? Again, thanks to all....Osclib