2 REL Strata Subs and Mono amps

Hi all. Need a quick bit of advice.
Running 2 REL Strata IIi subs, each connected to its' own mono bloc amp.
Runnung Merlin TSM's.
What is the correct way to wire the REL high level cable with neutric connector?

The REL cable has a red, yellow and black wire.
Do BOTH the red and yellow wires get connected to the RED speaker output on the amp, with the black wired to the Black connectors on the amp?

Good that you say that, I thought about it but at the end didn't write anything. I used my REL Storms with mono and stereo amps at different times. The example on pag. 12 (top) of the REL manual is of course for a stereo amplifier; for mono amplifiers, use the pag. 12 (bottom) example and just imagine the gray amplifier divided by a vertical line through the center, so that you have two separate mono amplifiers, a left one and a right one. The potential grounding problem still stands, so it's better to ask Krell or get your dealer to do it.
Zormi, I forgot to add that you should copy the grounding scheme of the pag. 12 (top) example for the (bottom) example, of course. I think the chassis screw grounding will work for Krells, but ask them first just to make sure.
Very insightful thread, for me at least.. Grateful to all of you.

Happy New Year to all, lots of music!
I contacted Audio Research only to be told that someone had already called to get the info. The bottom line is, use the 4 ohm tap as signal and chassis ground are isolated by 10ohms. That should be sufficient. That's the info I received from ARC.