35Hz - 25kHz -- A Partial 'Purist'?

It's amazing how much musical information can be found in the lowest bass regions say 30Hz down to below 20Hz, whether classical, folk, instrumental, pop, etc..

Yet, I'm purplexed to see some to many audiophile 'purists' refuse to even attempt to resolve the obvious deficiency in their systems which simply cannot reproduce any musical information in the lowest regions of the frequecy spectrum.

No matter how musical, how refined, and/or how infinite the configurations a good musical subwoofer can offer, the 'purist' simply will not consider adding a subwoofer to supplement their mains. There's too many good subs (you only need one) ranging from $1k to $30k that can be quite quite musical and allow for near-infinite configurations to adapt to most any system and listening preference. And, yes, I am aware there are many more bad subwoofers, but's that's another thread.

As a self-proclaimed 'fundamentalist', my quest is to ensure my 2-channel system is such that any musical information coming from the source stands an excellent chance of being faithfully reproduced for my listening pleasure.

And by adding a musical 18 inch subwoofer, I don't believe I've given up anything.

I would enjoy hearing what others think.
yes i would like to have all the musical presence i can get but like every choice in driver selection there is a trade off...i'm sure IF i found a sub i liked there is a possibility that that the system would have a monitor + sub sound...i would be nagged by the "split in the seam" sound...like you say every now and then i may miss something..but at the moment i've found a 8 inch midwoofer that supposingly goes down to 30 hz..that's good enough for me..and this driver has very sweet upper midbass qualities..the biggest problem today is the lack of quality speakers..thats why i'm a big fan of "kits"..you have some choice in drivers and xover parts...most all the audiogonners disagree and vote commercial labs engineering abilities "the tried and true" over the solo designers abilities ..so a good sub may not be for everyone but great sounding monitors are..
Tweekerman, I don't think anybody would disagree with you when you state that every choice in a driver selection employs trade-offs or compromises.

Therefore, again I ask, why are people so willing to accept the trade-off's or compromises of the drivers reproducing the frequencies between say 30Hz and 40kHz, but yet are not willing to accept like trade-offs or compromises of those drivers capable of reproducing the frequencies between say 16Hz and 30Hz?

Are you implying that these lower frequencies are so important that unless they are 'perfectly' reproduced, they should remain untouchable, unapproachable, and thereby inaudible?
Stehno taking into consideration your previous fine and excellent post on the thread "best 8 inch woofer" (i still say that the SEAS may offer overall best)...what i'm getting at..is that i'm working hard on getting a great 3 way design first which will deliver SUPERIOR hz's from say 30hz (SEAS W22!!) to the uppers hz's (RT8P!!!)..if i can accomplish this then i may consider to move on to the sub hz's..BUT under one condition...i don't want any 10 12 or larger (sub) woofer interfering with the seemless sweet sound of the SEAS W22 + SEAS 12CY + RT8..the one way to do this is to get a active xover...but they are $$$..i would go bryston or better marchand 4 way (tube) active xover..and the one sub that comes to mind is the new FOCAL series called ADIOM..the 11WX 13WX 15WX...the 11WX's would be first choice..importantly keep in mind they are expensive..but check out their super tech magnet design!!!..the 15 monster weighs over 50 lbs!!!so yes i fully agree with you about capturing the complete music in the last few but important hz's...but i'm afraid there are not very many subs that do a good job at it..no i'm not a perfectionist..just like to get best bang for hard earned dollar...here is a senario: AUDIOM 13WX + SKANNING 8inch + RAVEN 3 + MARCHAND XM126 ACTIVE TUBE XOVER...try to top that!!!!
Nine months since the last post. I'm curious which of you have since purchased subwoofers? And if so, what are your thoughts?
SInce very few monitors do 40hz...intergrating a sub can be difficult...even at the 40hz(full range) point..the speakers are down -3db...and a sub at the same setting is down -3db as well...that is why crossing over the sub at an octave higher...in this case around 80hz...to avoid a low mid "suckout" is advisable.