$400 CAL CD player- Scrap it or fix it?

I have a California Audio Lab DX-1 CD player. It's about 3 years old, and it has worked flawlessly. Recently it skips, fails to "read" a disc, won't play at all, etc. It happens intermittently, and it is out of warranty. Turning it on and off usually fixes it. Nothing in the system or the environment has changed or moved. The question is with a minimum $75.00 repair charge should I fix the player or consider it disposable and scrap it? Any opinions?
The improvement in sound quality of the most recent 24 bit players simply blows away anything that was manufactured just a couple years ago. If sound quality is not your number one issue, then maybe you could consider a fix. Otherwise, conisder one of the newer players.
I had a Philipps early ??880 from the mid 80's. After 10 years it displayed the same symptoms. All that was wrong was a single capacitor! failed. Too bad someone can't take a peek inside and see if on of the caps is leaking. If one is... then that item being replaced might 'fix' the problem. That is a 'cheapskate' way of trying to solve the problem. If you really can't do it, and only a professional repair is available... I'd let it sit and buy a new(used) player.
If you live in a cold dry area, excess static could be causing a problem. Marginal components (cold solder joint etc) could get by under normal circumstances but not work in cold dry climates. Considering the technology of the DX-1 though, I'd get a new player.