5% THD to .000 THD SOUND

I was searching the amplifiers available and noticed quite a big difference in THD specs from model to model. Example.. One of the best amplifiers Kondo Audio Note $150k Kagura has 5% THD and by reviewers definition sounds like an amazing amplifier. Now compare $ 30k  Devialet with the lowest 0.000% THD on the planet. Both at the opposite end of design yet both sound amazing.. according to reviewers, I havn t heard either. SN/R  133 by Devialet and a lot less by Kagura. I realize an amplifiers sound can t be based by Specs alone.  If the specifications are not that important to the sound, why list them? They must be a way of determining sound, quality, and system synergy of an amplifier? A whole lot of amplifiers purchased on the net haven t been heard before and I believe the decision to purchase is made by reviewers point of view, specifications and word of mouth of other owners and buyers pocket book. By looking at specs of Devialet and NOT knowing the prices of Kagura and Devialet I would of gone with the Devialet just based on specs alone for the impression of it being a  great sounding amplifier.  Ive read other discussions on forum and cant quite get a handle on why BOTH amplifiers sound great. I thought High THD was a bad thing..
derrickengineer OP
28 posts
07-30-2016 6:24pm
I know he was re my comment to geoffkait. Well me feeling I was sucked into Mr. Kaitts mumbo jumbo and $ 250 rip off prompted my reply.to geoff. 10% THD sounding better than 5% yeah that speaks volumes...lol

I went out for a mild mannered troll and got a sucker on the line. 


Derrick, I agree, that buying over the net makes things harder, but, speaking for myself, and perhaps for you, too, having had time to 'listen with our ears', I think this puts us ahead of the rest. We know what we like and know when we hear it.
Perhaps the best part of buying on Agon is that we aren't buying at full price and if things don't go as planned, we can sell without loosing too much money
- And money, is the greatest barrier in this hobby. At least for me.
(Though I tend to gravitate to the 'best bang for the buck' equipment).
I dont get what you mean by investigate further,, and short list.. They were just examples that I saw today and t
derrickengineer, investigating further & short-listing would be actions one would do if one was serious about buying. Somehow I got the impression you were in the market for amps hence your questions about these 2 amps.
looks like you are not in the market to buy but are merely asking questions to clarify.
Even then "investigate further" would mean try somehow to listen to one or both amps & judge for yourself if the reviewers words ring true for you or not.
And "short-listing" would mean that you make a note of them somewhere so that when/if you are in the market to buy you look more into these 2 amps. With sooooooo many amps in the market it’s hard to know where to start - one can be stumped on this matter. I’ve found that having a short-list of amps that have come to my attention while trolling forums, hearing at shows/friends, heavily discussed in forums makes the start for the search for a new amp much easier - it’s better than having a blank sheet as I find that I can get swayed by "flavor of the month" amp.
Hope this clarifies.....