6550 or KT88 ?

I've got CJ Premier 12's and have read a lot about the SED Winged Svetlana KT88.

Is it really going to be less "HiFi" and more musical if I substitute my existing Svetlana 6550C with the SED KT88?

I've heard so many good things about the reissue Tungsols that your post may have just pushed me over the top.
Where is the EH KT88 fit in here? My Zeus comes with stock EH,anything better out there?
My Cayin KT88 had originally Shungyang tubes. Good, but nothing special. I tried the Sovteks KT88s and they were lifeless and thin sounding. I tried the Electro Harmonix and they were a mediocre match, too much treble and not enough bass. The were very powerful though.
Then I got me the Tungsol 6550 reissues. They clearly outperform anything else, and this is what I am using. In triode mode for classical and ultralinear for Jazz and Rock music. I suppose they would be a good match for your amp as well.

Thanks! - the conclusion seems to be that 6550 is not less musical :-)

Maybe the idea (Jtimothya) to try tube rolling the 5751 and 6FQ7 is a better way...

For the time beeing I have JAN GE 5751 (new production I guess) and RCA 6FQ7 (Brasil, red color letters)

Comments on these driver tubes?
