7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?

I've been out of high-end audio for about 8 years, and the thing I am most struck by on my return is the apparent acceptance of power cables, interconnects and speaker cables that cost as much or more than heavy-duty high-end components.

As a now-outsider of sorts, this really looks like the Emperor's New Clothes big-time. Especially power cords, considering the Romex that delivers the A/C to the outlet isn't exactly audiophile quality.

Are people really paying $500 and up for wire? Is this foolishness of the highest order, or is this what people now believe it takes to extract the last percent or two of definition from their components?

What happened? Even buyers of what are now considered "modestly priced" cables would be laughed out of the professional audio world, so why do audiophiles think they need something better than was used to make the original recording? MOST professional recording engineers scoff at the difference between microphone cables that cost $19.95 vs. those that cost $49.95 -- most anything higher is rarely considered at all (the most expensive microphone cable might be $125 for a 20 foot run, and it's laughed at by most of the pros).

I'm not criticizing -- I'm too stunned to draw any conclusions -- I just wondered if anyone has given this much thought.

(At least I understand the home theater revolution -- thank heavens something came along to save the high end manufacturers, although it makes me chuckle to think of someone spending $30,000 to watch the Terminator. It's OK with me.)

Thank you for your consideration,

Mark Hubbard
Eureka, CA
Ag insider logo xs@2xmark_hubbard
Mark Hubbard, it is called the Voodoo...

Good cables do make a difference, but you do not need to spend thousands of dollars. Buy concert tickets instead. As I previously have posted, the people who are into the real thing fly to concerts. All this wiring extravaganza and Voodoo is for the wannabes.

There IS scientific basis for proper cabling, so here's a few links for you to use as reference:

1) http://www.geocities.com/jonrisch/index2.htm

2) http://www.geocities.com/venhaus1/index.html

3) http://tnt-audio.com/clinica/tweaks.html

I don't think you should run on about cables and their ridiculous prices until you have had them in your system. How do you know that their value only represents 1-2% if you have never experienced this first hand. Sure if you are running a system with modest components then 7500.00 for cables seems foolish. The right cables can take a sytem over the top
The $7500 price is outragest.
Very few items are in that price range, so you are talking extremes.
Don't discard something until you try it, Or in this case listen to it.
Suprising, Power cords on good equipment can make a large difference in the pleasure obtained listening to the equipment.
Power cords such as the Whale Elite and many , many interconnects cables allow the Components to sound as closly as they were designed.
Remenber, the phrase "it is only as good as the weakest link ?
Mark admits to being out of audio for eight years. How many cell phones have been sold in that time? We are being bombarded DAILY with increasing amounts of rfi! I have found in my system the single ended cables sound as different from each other as components do. When using balanced, the difference is minimal. I have a/b'd $100.00 monster mic cables with $10,000.00 nordost Valhalla balanced in a $80k system. Barely percievable was the difference. Blindfolded doubt I could tell. Single ended anyone should be able to tell. -and while your ac is limited by the romax in the wall, what's the first thing your component sees? The cord coming out of it. Haven't we all see what happens to the TV when someone in the house using a different circuit turns on a vacumn or micro wave? I for one don't want that pollution getting to my stereo. Speaker cables as well are very suseptable to rfi.
Now, are these "tiffany cables" stupidly over priced? ABSOLUTELY! Some are quite costly to make, but by the time the distributer and retailer double and re-double the price it is totally out of line, there's NEVER a sale, or any nogotiation. Which is not to say these companies don't deserve to make a living. I like to physically see and hear a product in a store first. But perhaps if there were more direct sales manufacturers, the retail prices would experience downward pressure.
I have a fair amount of top monster cable products, while they aren't "fashionable", they do most of what the best cables are capable of, and I can justify the price, as they are aimed at the mass market. Another hi performing resonable price line is Custom Cable Company, they really blow away competitors for a fraction of the $.
For the record, I worked 20+ years as a live & studio engineer and performer, in the US & internationally. While I never got wealthy, I do spring for good cables in my home recording studio (16 track 2inch analog) as have an increasing number of my associates. Glass fiber optic cables for digital studios, etc.
Bottom line: we all have to live w/in our tax bracets, but to ignore the science of interference causing audiable artifacts and robbing fidelity from those who care about it is dening yourself greater enjoyment!
Cables do make a difference in better systems. You can hear it. When you consider the cost of materials and labor some brands can justify the price although $7500 is a bit steep. I think <$1000 for interconnects is all you have to pay if you find a good brand. The Nordost, Siltech, and Transparent folks are laughing all the way to the bank.
As far as power and electricity goes, it seems that power cables and transformers, etc. outside of your home have a lot to do with the quality of electricity that ultimately is fed into your gear. If your neighborhood has older parts for wires and boxes, then there's only so much you can improve on that in my experience.
And the whole cable issue is completely outrageous. I own a pretty decent system - costing me well over 10K for the components alone. The cables/interconnects were the last thing I upgraded, from the Audioquest $40 jobbies I was using before, to the Cardas Cross/Quadlinks I'm using now. Now I've been into hi-end gear for about 15 years - and I'm not kidding when I say I can't tell the difference, except for the fact that the Cardas look a lot more elegant. A complete placebo effect if you ask me. Try this - ask a friend to hook up your system with sub $50 cables and then with $400+ cables without telling you which was which. If the cable market is correct, you should be able to unequivocally tell the difference 10 out of 10 times, which I'm sure anyone would be hard pressed to do.
I guess some of us fools do hear the value in certain cables and pay attention to their offerings and characteristics. And some of us are just happy with a cable.

BTW, that 1%-2%, some people thrive for it and pay dearly to get it.

I do agree there are some in the market that have gone off the deep end, I personally know a cable manufacturer that it takes him 4-6 hrs per Power cord... and I have the sound to prove it !!

All the best

For all of the obvious things that there are to say about the ludicrously high markup on cables, I've heard quite a few stories now about recording engineers exposed for the first time to good cables - and being both unbelieving and suprised at the sound differences. How many recording engineers have really a/b'd cables? What would the result be if they did, apart from the cost factors. Recall that the small high end labels do generally use high end gear, including cables, in recording.
My question exactly! what is the difference between Pro Mic Cables and Audio Interconnects?
when the stuff goes over $500 or so I have to wonder too.. I bought used Cardas Golden Cross at about 1/2 price, I would never spend $800-$1000 on an interconnect.. Imagine how many LIVE symphonic events you could attend, with good seats too, for the amount of money spent on cables.. $2000 for a power cord to my amp? my $250 or so TICE power cord is good enough.
The cable market IS ridiculous. No mistake there. I agree with you whole-heartedly. As the old saying goes: A fool and his money are quickly parted.