$9000 speaker Orangutan or speaker + amplifier

Hey guys,

Wanted to see if I could get your opinion on this question I am noodling over.

I really need a speaker upgrade. Of all the speakers I have heard (which are not many) I really like Devore Orangutan (Priced $8000-$12000).

I also liked Harbeth (SHL5).

Am wondering if I should get the the Harbeth (used) and buy a nice set of new amps (Coincident Dragon $6500). Which could cost me about the same as a new pair of Devore Orangutan (cannot find them used).

So my question is :
Devore Orangutan + Pass Aleph 3 (my current amp)
Harbeth SHL5 + Coincident Dragon

What do you think ?

My current system.

Clearaudio Concept
Triode TRX-1 Preamp
Triode DAC
Pass Aleph 3
Pyle pro phono amp ($15)
Stager silver interconnects.
Cheapo AQ speaker cables (will move to something silver soon).
Vienna Acoustics Haydn

I mostly listen to Jazz, Indian Classical, Piano, Vocals
Denon1, I think those speakers might need more power than my Aleph 3 30 watts. Also am looking for a change, I love my Haydn they are detailed, warm but I feel like I am looking for something more, like transparency. I am tempted to go up the VA line, its a safe bet for sure.

Dover, Do you really think an upgrade on TT will be better than an upgrade on the speakers (going from VA Haydn to Harbeth) or an upgrade in amplifier (Aleph 3 to Coincident Dragon). Also I am new to Vinyl and this is my first serious TT.

I have recently heard these speakers at a show. They were driven by a Luxman class A integrated rated at 30 watts in 8 ohms (I believe it was the L-590AII integrated). The sound was very good and the speakers were able to fill very well a large room that had 15 - 20 people in it. I have actually looked for a short while at the power meters of the integrated, and to my surprise it still had 10-20 dBs of heard room even though the music was played quite loud (i.e. around 90 dBs).
Hi Nvp,

Thanks for your response.

Do you know if these the Orangutans O/93 or the O/96 ?

(The O/96 have stands on them)
Hi Essrand,

It was the Orangutans O/96 model. (I left our this detail because, for what ever reason, I was convinced this thread is about the O/96 model.)

Yes yes on the suggestion of Tannoys. Get the real deal, a speaker that will stay with you for decades and be supportable for decades. But, if you go with the Orangs, nice speaker.

Don't go for the Zu's....how can these guys stand the high distortion/harshness from these? I know of several people who had to get out of them after a few years due to fatigue, and I have direct experience. They get reeled in by dynamics and and driven away due to harshness. You never hear that about Orangs or Tannoys.