A balanced passive preamp?

Thats what I need to mate with my Monarchy SM70 pros. I need some suggestions. I would like to keep it under 1500 used if possible. I would also like at least a volume remote....Thanks in advance.

The Monarchy Audio model 22C DAC or Model 33 DAC/pre-amp are very good for the used prices. Alas, no remote.


If you're willing to stretch it to $2250 the new Bent TAP would be the ticket. There are occasionally balanced versions of the Sonic Euphoria that come up used as well. Promitheus is another option. To my knowledge only the Bent has remote.
The Placette Passive Linestage(or just the remote volume control) are both available in a true balanced configuration. (http://www.placetteaudio.com/)
The Adcom GFP-750 is an excellent pre-amp that's also well below your price. If you're not familiar with it, here's a review -

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