A challenging question

Hello everyone,

I have been very impressed by the knowledgeable people who correspond on AudiogoN. I have received a lot of sound advice from several of you already. Thanks!

My question is:

I am using a dCS Purcell D/D upsampler fed into an Elgar D/A converter fed directly into my Krell amplifier. I am able to upsample both the audio track of DVDs and CDs with great sounding results.

I would like to be able to feed the audio portion of my digital cable TV into the Purcell so I can listen to cable TV through my system without adding an analog preamp into the mix.

My cable company supplied a General Instrument digital settop converter, but I don't see a digital output on its backpanel.

How can this be done? Any ideas?

Might ask your cable company if they have any choices w.r.t. STBs. I know my cable co. locally uses several different brands and there are variations even within brands between different models. One of them might have a digital out.
Not to rub it in but my Time Warner supplied digital cable box has coax digital out. (Scientific Atlanta) It only has digital sound output on digital channels. The local network channels are not digital, only the cable specific channels including HBO. It does improve the sound.
Hey Chuck,

Don't you know that if you "upsample" an analog source you are actually "downsampling" it? That's because all analog sources have an "infinite" sampling rate already...