A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Dear Nandric,
Thank you 'brother' :-)
However I'm a little perturbed about playing a game about "...who is right.."?
I believe that most of us here, have many and varied experiences which combine to create a 'direction' and a 'solution' to their audio aspirations.
The fact that I choose a belt-drive turntable (and subsequently a DD one) does not, for an instant, presume to me that those who choose an idler are 'wrong'.
I don't believe (in my theory) that 'sprung' turntables are the right way to correctly retrieve information from a vinyl record yet I acknowledge that in some circumstances, such devices overcome their theoretical limitations and provide immense enjoyment for their adherents.
In other words, I prefer an 'inclusive' theory rather than an 'exclusive' theory regarding system choices.

Dear Lewm,
If you read some of my posts, you will see that far from wishing you to cry 'uncle'.....I sincerely hope that you or others may try this theory and cry....'nay'.
But in doing so.......tell us specifically why and how it is failing.
As Raul so often begs.....give us examples of this 'movement' or 'distortion' so that we, who have invested in this methodology, may avoid those pitfalls.
So far, no one who has actually tried the isolated armpods, has highlighted a real, and repeatable deficiency?.....one we can all test or improve upon?

Dear Raul,
Thank you for your thoughtful post.
I certainly don't claim my system is 'Perfect'.....far from it. I have not heard one that is.
But like you, I am astounded that what I hear through the Audeze LCD2 is as near to 'perfectly corresponding' tonally and in detail to my speakers in my poorly laid-out listening environment.
There is not a single 'revelation' I hear through the headphones that I cannot also hear through the speakers.
No tremulous triangle shimmering behind the orchestra....no slurred or muffled words that suddenly through the headset become descipherable.
There is NOTHING that the headphones produce that I can't hear as well......or better......through my speakers.

Finally, I can't help but feel that all this talk of 'distortions'.....by you Raul and also by Jonathan.....without a single example which any of us can test.....is, as Nandric and Dgob would tell you (I hope).....a smokescreen that smacks of superiority?
"There are distortions (trust me)....and if you can't hear them, your ears or systems are inadequate, but I can hear them and I can tell you what they are and where they are!"
As you often say to others Raul (and I'm with you on this :-)........tell me, show me, describe to me, what these distortions are and provide examples on specific tracks on specific records so that we....the cloth-eared ones....may hear and understand what you are describing.
Otherwise, as others have already said, these are just words....words.....words.
Hi Fripp1,

Ah, Ferdinand de Saussure, Barthes, Derrida (and by extension, Bataille, Lacan and Levinas). It is more complex than some would wish. I hope y/our despondency proves wrong.

As always...
Hi Nandric,

I do not believe (as I might have mentioned once or twice) that this is the correct place to debate these matters - at least not at the expense of the accepted topics. Yet, I am curious about your (quasi-Wolffian) view that:

"logicaly, if the premise is not true than all the deductions from the premise can't be true also. (09-16-11)"

I find this fascinating because of its apparent pre-Kantian recant of the law of contradiction (which Kojeve made so much of in his assessments in "Kant" and, of course, engaging the linguistic nuances of 'contra-diction' in French)- albeit, an inverted postulation. Of course, a lot here will depend on what sense you have of the terms ‘logic’, ‘true’, ‘from’ and ‘can’t’.

With me admittedly not having the understanding of a Fregean here, I would appreciate it if you could email me off line to discuss without any further and undue intrusion on this thread. This is obviously not intended as a confrontation but a genuine hope that you can help clarify my innocence in understanding this.

As always...
Dear Halcro, I thought you started this thread and are 'involved in' as such. Ie the thread seems to be about the question 'who is right': the plinth church or the arm
pod church. There are always 'atheist' among us and you are
probable one of them. I questioned the premise only with
an hypothetical 'if' from the 'first rule' of logic: the deduced statements can only be true if the premise is also true. Well I am glad to see that J. Carr stated clearly that the premise is at least 'wrong'. BTW my arguments are not about 'words...words' but about connections between sentences or statements.

With Slavic greeting,
Hi Henry

I think Jasper being polite as he always is, is telling you to get a new wall shelf :-) One that does not sag.

You can spend those pennies then :-)

